Jude McCann
Jude began his studies at the DIT Conservatory of Music (now TU Dublin) at the age of 12, under Head of Keyboard Studies, Dr David Mooney. This culminated in his graduation with a First Class Honours in his Bachelor of Music degree in 2024. He has been teaching piano for eight years to a range of ages across multiple genres. Jude has successfully coached students through Grade exams and Junior Cert and Leaving Cert practicals with some achieving Distinctions and H1’s respectively. He believes in a relaxed teaching environment fostering the student’s autonomy as a musician in their own right.
Jude has performed and competed in many music competitions over the years, most notably winning the Dorothy Stokes Cup in the Feis Ceoil which culminated in a performance in the National Concert Hall. More recently, Jude could be heard on RTE Lyric FM in the Final of the Irish Freemasons Young Musician of the Year where he was awarded 2nd Prize. Jude has had masterclasses with internationally renowned pianists including Barry Douglas, John O’Conor and Pierre-Laurent Aimard.